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Dear Oliver North:

by Jeremy Hooper

If you're going to smugly accuse military leaders and members of Congress of not reading a certain document, it's probably best if you yourself don't completely misquote said document.

This brief snippet comes from WorldNetDaily Radio -- host Greg Carombos, guest Ollie North:

( click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: Oliver North Interview [WND Radio]

Only problem for Ollie, besides obvious homo-hostility? That those supposedly verbatim words are actually not in the report. At all. Even a little bit.

There are exactly six mentions of the phrase "consensual sodomy" in the Pentagon report, all of them dealing with a legal reality that is true regardless of whether or not DADT is repealed:

Screen Shot 2010-12-15 At 2.54.23 Pm
Screen Shot 2010-12-15 At 2.54.38 PmScreen Shot 2010-12-15 At 2.54.56 Pm
FULL REPORT [Defense.gov]

There's no recommendation to "legalize consensual sodomy on military bases," as if the military is pushing some sort of orgiastic agenda. Every mention is about the law post-Lawrence v. Texas, where such a push would not even be needed anyway. Because while social conservatives may hate it, it's simply a legal fact that our nation no longer criminalizes so-called sodomy. The Pentagon report notes this simple actuality because one would presume that facts are one thing these military leaders would not see fit to camouflage.

Seriously, Ollie: Have you really not learned your lesson about lying?

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