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Equality House party loses, gains equal number from each

by Jeremy Hooper

The 15 House Republicans who crossed party lines and voted for the should-be-non-partisan matter that is Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal:

Biggert (R, IL-13)
Bono Mack (R, CA-45)
Campbell (R, CA-48)
Cao (R, LA-02)
Castle (R, DE-00)
Dent (R, PA-15)
Diaz-Balart (R, FL-21)
Djou (R, HI-01)
Dreier (R, CA-26)
Ehlers (R, MI-03)
Flake (R, AZ-06)
Paul (R, TX-14)
Platts (R, PA-19)
Reichert (R, WA-08)
Ros-Lehtinen (R, FL-18)

The 15 House Democrats who did the inverse:

Boren (D, OK)
Bright (D, AL)
Childers (D, MS)
Critz (D, PA)
Davis (D, AL)
Davis (D, TN)
Marshall (D, GA)
McIntyre (D, NC)
Ortiz (D, TX)
Peterson (D, MN)
Rahall (D, WV)
Ross (D, AR)
Skelton (D, MO)
Tanner (D, TN)
Taylor (D, MS)

So in total, there are 30 members of Congress who just might experience some awkwardness at their party's annual holiday bash. Though only 15 of them should wear any cold shoulders as badges of honor. The other fifteen can enjoy their eggnog in the corner and ponder why cruelly crossing gay soldiers was worth crossing the aisle.

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