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Exclusive: FRC to launch responsibility-shirking 'Start Debating, Stop Hating' campaign

by Jeremy Hooper

We've uncovered an unreleased document that the Family Research Council will soon launch as part of a currently-unannounced campaign to spin their placement on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate groups list:

FRC's ridiculous attempt to spin the SPLC list

At this point, the companion site simply redirects back to FRC's main site. Which is fitting, since this responsibility-shirking maneuver will surely play out in an echo chamber even after it's actually launched.


*Just a brief reminder of how FRC debates: Calls to export and criminalize gays, claims that political opponents are "held captive by the enemy," and documents that liken same-sex marriage to man-horse sex:

*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]


*SOURCE: The Quest For Change -- Tony Perkins [Grace Chapel]
Page 1 of the Family Research Council's "Slippery Slope To Same-Sex Marriage" document,
which compares same-sex marriage to bestiality in both graphic and text:

Screen Shot 2010-12-09 At 12.32.39 Pm

*ALSO: As we've stated before: It's so, so dumb for NOM, the Liberty Counsel, CWA and others to align themselves so closely on this. Because SPLC did not put those three groups on the list. So if they were playing it intelligently, they would look at the carefully documented reasoning and differentiation between what the SPLC sees as simple opposition and what they see as beyond-the-pale advocacy. In a perfect world, these non-listed groups would speak out against the kinds of things that led AFA, FRC, and others to the list, not shoot the messenger.


**UPDATE, 12/15: Five days later, FRC has now launched

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