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Focus on the Family clinches 'victory' from jaws of [procedural obstructionism]

by Jeremy Hooper

Two ridiculous reactions to DADT repeal's failure, both printed by Focus on the Family:


"The U.S. Senate did not allow itself to be bullied into passing legislation that would be harmful to our military,” said Elaine Donnelly, founder and president of the Center for Military Readiness. “This was not just a procedural vote, this was a substantive vote. It’s time for President Obama and his administration to let this issue go.” [SOURCE]

How can Elaine seriously deny that this failure was largely procedural? There were several votes on the 40 "nay" side who said they would've voted Donnellyfor repeal under different procedural circumstances. Who openly support repeal SUBSTANTIVELY, but who would not follow the PROCEDURE before them. We only needed three of them (two, if Blanche Lincoln's vote had counted) to put this conversation to rest FOR GOOD. Unfortunately, partisan obstructionism won out.

So sorry, Elaine -- we're not putting a near-victory to bed. Instead, we're going to lay out the procedure that will cut through contrived political allegiances and lead to a free and clear 60 who'll join the 2 OUT OF 3 AMERICANS WHO SUPPORT REPEAL!


Ashley Horne, federal policy analyst at CitizenLink, said family advocates are to thank for the historic vote in the Senate.

“Today’s vote was an absolute victory for family values,” she said, “and it was due in large part to constituents all across the country who were calling in, saying, ‘We don’t want this to happen.’ ”

A win for family values. FOR FAMILY VALUES?!? Are you kidding me right now?! Even under the most generous read, how is booting otherwise Hornequalified solders any kind of a "family value"?! Unless, of course, your family values telling some family members that they are more than qualified to fight and possibly die for his or her country, but not call out to a most cherished love one when wounded in the field.

And again: It wasn't even a "victory" on its merits. This "pro-family" crowd loves a nice majority. Well guess what: We had one, just didn't achieve the 60 needed to proceed. Plus, as stated: We had the supermajority, if not for procedure. And, because it can't be repeated enough: A VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS SUPPORT REPEAL!

So it's pretty arrogant for Ms. Horne to act like this was some sort of a mandate from the American people. The truth is that groups like Focus on the Family are too obsessed with man dates to even see what is right, fair, free, and American.


*SEE ALSO: Why repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is still viable, and perhaps even more so than earlier today [P8TT]

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