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FRC's late 'Start/Stop'

by Jeremy Hooper

We scooped them on it by five days, creating a scenario where our post (both the initial version and aggregated versions on other sites) has completely Google-clobbered the actual effort itself:

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You didn't really need that thunder we stole, did ya FRC?

But now, days after our scoop, the Family Research Council is ready to "officially announce" this "Start Debating Stop Hating campaign," which is, as we've already told you: A blatant, responsibility-shirking attempt to play the victim rather than actually acknowledge the clearly documented reasons why the Southern Poverty Law Center chose to add the anti-gay outfit to its latest hate groups list. Or as FRC, as well as conserva-folks like Rep. Bachmann and Mike Huckabee so deceptively see it: Nothing more than free speech:

Yeah, yeah, yeah -- we read it already, FRC. So did many others. We're not impressed. And in fact: We're pretty darn galled that you all refuse to own the thoroughly incendiary, deeply offensive forms of debate that you started dishing out years ago:

*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]


*SOURCE: The Quest For Change -- Tony Perkins [Grace Chapel]
Page 1 of the Family Research Council's "Slippery Slope To Same-Sex Marriage" document,
which compares same-sex marriage to bestiality in both graphic and text:

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Only you can stop it, FRC!


*UPDATE: FRC's full list of fellow debaters

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