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Gay groups are cold-hearted, hateful, and cruel, says man who blames gays for six million dead Jews
So many social conservatives simply love, love, love the fact that a crude and cruel disease hit the gay population in this country (as opposed to other countries) earliest and hardest. None more so than the American Family Association's in-house liability, Bryan Fischer:
Let’s not forget that American tobacco manufacturers were forced to cough up over $200 billion because they peddle a product that kills people.
Well, homosexual activist groups likewise are pushing a lifestyle that kills. If anybody should be obligated to pony up funds to mitigate a health crisis, it ought to be the organizations that are responsible for advocating the very behavior that created and perpetuates the epidemic.
Surely we will be accused of lacking compassion. But this is hardly the case. If you care about an individual, and you see that he is involved in a self-destructive pattern of behavior, the most loving thing you can to is appeal to him to start making better lifestyle choices. It is hardly compassionate to urge him to continue to engage in conduct that everybody in the world knows has a good chance of killing him in the end. That, in fact, is a form of cruelty.
You want to know who the true hate groups in America are, the ones who are sending the most hateful message to gays, there they are. Pro-family groups are trying to save the same people that the gay lobby is consigning to an early death.
The organizations that are showing the most obnoxious form of cold-heartedness are the homosexual activist groups that celebrate lethal behavior. That’s the worst possible message someone can send to his friends: I don’t love you enough to tell you the truth in order to save your life. Where is an ounce of compassion in that?
Uh huh. Right. It's the groups that push for more recognition of two-partner commitments, distribute safe sex education, direct heightened focus to the most vulnerable populations, and work to remove the sort of shaming that leads young people to see their lives as disposable (and their choices therefore irrelevant) who are fostering danger here in America. You know, the same groups that demanded research and treatment back when stone-casters turned blind eyes: *THEY* are the bad guys in this epidemic. Because everyone knows that when it comes to the Pandora's Box of diseases that plague the known biological world for reasons unknown, the best prevention doesn't come from encouragement of the kind of awareness and smart choices that increase prevention with lock-solid efficacy. No, no -- the solution is to shun millions of people who exist within that biological reality, cruelly shaming their loving desires based on personal biblical interpretation instead of sharing the wealth of knowledge that's steeped in credible scientific awareness.
In summation: GLAAD hates acronyms with extra vowels. HRC hates bumper stickers. Lambda Legal find courtrooms cold, drafty, and unfairly activist. And all of these gay factions are killing each other, just like these same gay colaitions once gave rise to "six million dead Jews."
You're a sage among Christians, Mr. Fischer.
::writer rolls eyes, shakes head, and thanks his brain for having the composure to get through the American shame system that makes his in-born reality a hurdle rather than a characteristic. Many are not as lucky::
**FOR THOSE NOT FAMILIAR WITH FISCHER: He's the guy who's said that "homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews," who's said "homosexuals should be disqualified from public office," who has called on Christian conservatives to breed gays and progressives out of existence, has called gay sex a "form of domestic terrorism," who's said only gays were savage enough for Hitler, has compared gays to heroin abusers, has directly compared laws against gay soldiers to those that apply to bank robbers, who once invoked a Biblical story about stabbing "sexually immoral" people with spears, saying we need this kind of action in modern day, who has spoken out against gays serving as public school teachers, has questioned why Medals of Honor are given to people who save lives (rather than take lives), who says that open service will "assign the United States to the scrap heap of history," and who has blamed gay activists for dead gay kids, saying that: "If we want to see fewer students commit suicide, we want fewer homosexual students." His words pretty much single-handedly landed the American Family Association on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate groups list.