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Morse code feigns 'hardt beat

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage's Jennifer Roback Morse is now building on the far-right's convenient "Reinhardt's a radical liberal" meme, pretending to contrast herself with those conservatives who are worried about the judge's placement:

I’m not worried however. [Reinhardt] can either:

a) Rule against Prop 8, overturning the will of the voters, or

b) Rule in favor of Prop 8, sustaining the voters of California

If he rules against Prop 8, we have the consolation of knowing that he is one of the most frequently overturned justices in any circuit court. The Supremes will have the last word.

If he rules in favor of Prop 8, we have the satisfaction of knowing that even the most liberal judges can’t find a federal right to same sex marriage.

Bring it on!

Dr. J: The good news about Judge Reinhardt and Prop8 [NOM Blog]

We say J-Ro-Mo's pretending to contrast herself from the other conserva-pundits, because this empty post is all just obvious strategy on her part. I mean, think about what 201012062108she's saying here: Essentially, when you boil it down, her one message is that Reinhardt has a choice between deciding for or against Prop 8's constitutionality. WOW! -- that's simply mind-blowing, huh?!

Uhm, no -- What she's really doing here is painting the same ol' meme that all of the rest are co-crafting. J-Ro-Mo's pre-damning Reinhardt in a way that complies with the preconceived press releases these folks have already prepared for decision day. She thinks that by working the "Reinhardt's the most overturned judge" idea, she and her peeps can help sway the U.S. Supreme Court justices' jurisprudence. Or, alternately, by making Reinhardt sound so ultra-liberal, she's hoping to score extra points in the unlikely event that the Prop 8 proponents should prevail. Whatever the case, the goal is to lay groundwork, not to actually move the debate.

What J-Ro-Mo doesn't consider, however, is (c) The highly likely possibility that Reinhardt will rule against Prop 8, which will then be followed by (d) The U.S. Supreme Court (or at least a majority of its justices) viewing the case ON ITS MERITS rather than on the basis of whatever "most reversed judged" labels the conservatives have aggressively affixed to one of the three members of the Ninth Circuit panel.

Bring it on!


*UPDATE: As long as we're looking at Reinhardt's record [G-A-Y]

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