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On the third day of Christmas, my obsessive straight adversary gave to me...

by Jeremy Hooper

For the third time in three months, Peter LaBarbera of the SPLC-designated hate group Americans For Truth has used this writer and his husband as a stand-in for gay "perversion." And again, he's done so in a post that has nothing to do with anything I've actually said or written or provoked in any way -- it's just because Andrew and I exist that we get to see a screen grab from our wedding publicly defaced:

Screen Shot 2010-12-17 At 1.29.25 Pm
[Find the link yourself -- not giving this person any more undeserved credence or traffic]

And he wasn't even nice enough to send a gift receipt for this thoroughly thoughtless present. Bad form, Petey.


*The earlier ones: Elsewhere on this Sat. night, a grown man is doing this to a gay couple's wedding photo [G-A-Y]
Dammit Pete, I told you to let me send you a hi-res photo before your next attack... [G-A-Y]


*Here Pete, for next time: Some hi res shots:

Screen Shot 2010-11-11 At 5.37.59 Pm

*Or if you want to go after us, some of our guests, and Jewish wedding customs, then you can use this:


Have fun, big guy.

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