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Reid's DADT plan: So covert, you'll only hear about it on MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, C-SPAN, web live streams, numerous blogs, Congressional records, The Pentagon Channel, Senators' own press releases....

by Jeremy Hooper

It's one thing for the Family Research Council to stand against Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. But really -- this graphic?

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Because what we're talking about is an issue that President Obama mentioned on the campaign trail and in his State of the Union speech; that Democrats have been championing for years; that was forced through a lengthy study process; that has come up in the Senate twice already; and that Sen. Reid has quite publicly announced as a no-brainer need for this country, its military, and its basic sense of fairness. Calling Senator Reid's desires to get this done "covert" is kind of like labeling FRC's Senior Policy Fellow's desires to criminalize and/or deport gays as anything close to reasonable.

But then again, we're talking about an organization whose frequently sneaky and code word-laden rhetoric stands almost as much against transparency as it does against trans parenting. Perhaps rather than Sen. Reid, The SPLC's newest hate group really meant to chastise Sen. Mirror (R-eflect on Your Own Underhanded Operations, FRC!).

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