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Satan: 'I am like, so mad at God. He knows what he did! So I'm going to make some people transgender just to piss him off.'

by Jeremy Hooper

Jeff-JohnstonConvenient parameters of "normalcy" require convenient explanations. Here's Focus on the Family's in-house "ex-gay" Jeff Johnston offering just that:

"Humans are made in the image of God – male and female. Satan, our enemy, hates God, and wants to deface God’s likeness wherever he can. We are all sinners, deeply impacted by our own sinfulness and enmity toward God, by the sins of others and by life in a fallen world. Gender confusion is one example of human brokenness.

Thankfully, we are also deeply loved by God, and He works to restore us to relationship with Him. Join me in asking God to move in the hearts of men and women burdened with gender confusion. Pray first that they will come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Then, that they would accept the physical reality of their bodies and embrace their God-given gender. And pray for those in the church to have hearts of compassion for these lost men and women.

Gee, the Satan v. God rivalry seems heated. We are soooo staying out of that one! Especially since science and observation of biological reality will be what ultimately sorts this all out, regardless of which TEAM tee we might personally choose.

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