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SPLC to FRC: Nice try, but...
The Southern Poverty Law Center has responded to the Family Research Council's ridiculous new "Start Debating, Stop Hating" effort:
It was a remarkable performance, given that it was precisely the maligning of entire groups of people — gays, lesbians, bisexuals andtransgendered people — that caused the SPLC to list groups like the FRC. Remarkable, too, was the accusation that the SPLC was avoiding debate — in fact, the very first public discussion of the issues raised by the SPLC came in a Nov. 29 debate between the FRC’s Tony Perkins and myself on MSNBC’s “Hardball With Chris Matthews.”
Consider a few of the comments about gays and lesbians that have come from some of the groups now denouncing character assassination. ...
KEEP READING: SPLC Responds to Attack by FRC, Conservative Republicans [SPLC]