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The conservative movement covers for FRC at its own peril

by Jeremy Hooper

More convenient dancing, this time abetted by a sympathetic media outlet:

More reminders of the actual issues (or at least a small part of them) that earned the SPLC's attention:

*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]


*SOURCE: The Quest For Change -- Tony Perkins [Grace Chapel]
Page 1 of the Family Research Council's "Slippery Slope To Same-Sex Marriage" document,
which compares same-sex marriage to bestiality in both graphic and text:

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So do your homework, Fox News. It's not "conservative group™" that earned ire: IT'S GROUPS THAT DO DOCUMENTED CRAP LIKE THIS (and so much more -- see our 6 year archive)!

The Family Research Council has long been dishing it like a sneaky lunch lady dishes rancid mashed potatoes: With spite, malice, and plenty of deceptive cover from an inorganic gravy train. If some of us want to see them eat it, it's not because we are partisan or agenda-driven. It's because we're sick of these rotten, empty calories being passed off as party of a healthy debate.


*UPDATE: Feel free to send your own:

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