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The lesson of segregation is -- further civil discrimination?!
Historically, the evangelical voice was a prominent one in promoting/providing cover for segregation:
And even when resistance thankfully began to drop, it was still Scripture that often provided the biggest sticking point:
A "struggle" that endured in some churches for years thereafter (some even to this day):
So when we hear a modern Southern Baptist (and African-American) voice applying God's supposed lessons in this way...
"God calls homosexuality an abomination. It is just as sinful as segregation"
-The Southern Baptist Convention's Craig Vincent Mitchell [SOURCE]
...we can't help but get a little annoyed. Because while we know that society always learns the right course -- Eventually. Inevitably -- it's a shame that the seeming thirst for a minority target keeps leading some to twist and mold the Bible into the kind of civil rights weaponry that most conveniently befits a particular generation's whims. History has taught us better than that.