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Video: It's almost as if CBN doesn't want viewers to side with gays. Weird.
Step 1: Start with a script, graphic and editorial mindset that considers basic non-discrimination to be a "special protection."
Step 2: Find a pastor who'll help you paint homosexuality as a "self-selected behavior."
Step 3: Stir up fears about "men in a dress and high heels" getting a job at the local Chick-Fil-A
Step 4: Make somewhat of a stride toward objectivity by featuring a pro-LGBT soundbite that accurately mentions the Family Research Council's placement on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate groups list.
Then, Step 5: Shoot down any good will earned from that soundbite by closing the piece with more "ex-gay" advocacy.
Stir, pour, bake, then put the finished product on TV screens until LGBT rights momentum is sufficiently cooled:
*But it's all okay because Martin "feels sorry" for those of us who "choose" to live the LGBT "lifestyle," flying in the face of his "high and mighty God":