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We're merely mainstream, says leader of group where criminalization, deportation, 'enemy'-possession, and horse-shtooping are all on the table

by Jeremy Hooper

More convenient dancing:

"[W]ith what authority does the SPLC have the right to decide who is hateful and by what standard? This group has been soundly discredited before, but they are now propped up by this administration and it will be interesting in days ahead to see to what degree. At this time, we know they Connie Mackey-1are partnered to the gay organizations angry with FRC for its staunch opposition to the President on the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy in the military and, of course, to our staunch support for marriage remaining between one man and one woman. FRC is joined by the majority of Americans on these policies. Does this mean then that the majority of Americans are also part of a “hate” campaign? Or would our President describe these pro-family citizens suffering from a Stockholm Syndrome perpetrated by pro-family hostage-takers? This irrational name calling has only increased since the Saul Alinsky crowd has seized power in Washington."

-Connie Mackey, president of the Family Research Council Action Political Action Committee [SOURCE]

More reminders of the actual issues (or at least a small part of them) that earned the SPLC's attention:

*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]


*SOURCE: The Quest For Change -- Tony Perkins [Grace Chapel]
Page 1 of the Family Research Council's "Slippery Slope To Same-Sex Marriage" document,
which compares same-sex marriage to bestiality in both graphic and text:

Screen Shot 2010-12-09 At 12.32.39 Pm

It's not Saul Alinsky who commands us to call FRC extreme, Ms. Mackey. It's that far-greater voice known as common sense!

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