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2011F*GWATCH: Will you reject this, @peterlabarbera?

by Jeremy Hooper

It's always interesting to see where some of the most vitriolic of gay rights opponents find their "news," information, and support system:


I know for a fact that Americans For Truth's Peter LaBarbera rejects both the "f word" and Westboro Baptist's "God Hates Fag" cause. And I believe him. But that personal stance matters much less than what his work cultivates in others.

For this site, it's always about the work. And it's just a fact that time and time again, we see people like this "2011FagWatch" user or that "Filthy F*ggots" crooner relying on Peter's words for justification. So when assessing the work of this activist whose primary goal is rallying others, the rallied would seem to matter as much (if not more) as the rallier. The interpretation as much as the intent.

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