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Audio: Focus on the Family (that doesn't have the surname Hummel)

by Jeremy Hooper

Kurt-dadAll LGBT people were once teens. These days, many among the current crop of LGBT teens feel enough acceptance to embrace truth before even embracing their high school diplomas. And television, being a reflection of life itself, has made some strides to catch up to the reality of this, our natural world.

But why should Focus on the Family care about any of that, when they can instead rely on their agendas, "pro-family" values, and the need to further marginalize rich, vibrant population sects for their own personal gain$? Instead of helping folks better understand and accept, they can simply let Catholic radio personality Teresa Tomeo tell the world that the gay teen is nothing more than Hollywood fiction:

(*NOTE: Only the first few minutes of the audio are pertinent to this post.)
( click to play audio clip)
Teen TV Programs Feature Gays [CitizenLink]

And if none of this works, Focus on the Family faithful: Homeschooling, blind folds, ear plugs, and hermetically sealed bunkers might also help keep your kids away form the gay. In a world where sensitive kids sing like angels and emote like humans, one can never be too cautious.

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