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Audio: Morse reduces us to name-callers; we agree, if 'factually wrong under civil law' is a name

by Jeremy Hooper

The vocal Prop 8 proponents have taken hubris to a whole other level. This from the Ruth Institute's Jennifer Roback Morse, talking to "pro-family" doyenne Phyllis Schlafly:

[SOURCE: Eagle Forum Radio]

We who support full equality have made our case in every forum available to us.

We protested nationwide in the hundreds of thousands, with virtually no credible incidents of violence or aggressive acts of vandalism.

We've gone to and won in court, with even folks on the conservative side of the fence admitting that the Prop 8 proponents got clobbered at trial.

And yet Morse, part of the team that aggressively pushed to roll back our rights at ballot, seriously thinks she can reduce our 2+ years of pushback to nothing more than "Your a bigot!" smears?! How offensive is that?

The truth:
Literally since the moment the vote was finalized, the proponents have been on an audacious, self-victimizing campaign to flip the script in their favor. The vocal Prop 8 backers didn't wait for this to even play out: As soon as they saw that gay human beings were deeply upset at having their civil rights rolled back in a public vote (gee, imagine that), they saw that they had to engage in some serious PR damage control if they wanted to continue along their code word-laden "culture war" path. So all of a sudden, those of us who engage in this debate had the word "bigot" forcibly placed in ours mouths, even if we never once used that or a similar word in addressing Prop 8 (this site has never once used the word "bigot," except as a reference point). We who defend our rights were forced to defend ourselves against claims that we are personally vindictive towards the individuals, regardless of how fully we've focused on the issues rather than the personalities. Proud Prop 8 opponents became a gagillion and one things, just as long as none of those things involved an accurate assessment of the actual civil rights forum.

I truly believe that a growing majority of Americans see right through their overplayed hand. Though whether the public does or does not, it doesn't change the meritless, anti-intellectual affronts irrevocably to attached to the organized Prop 8 defense movement. Unlike our opposition, we cull our positions from what is actually right and fair, and not from public opinion polling.

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