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Cut the CrAPP, Manhattan Declaration backers: One could i-PRay until the second coming if one wanted!

by Jeremy Hooper

Just a quick visual response to those who keep claiming the anti-gay Manhattan Declaration was removed from the Apple app store because of anti-Christian bias:

(click for mega-huge, full size graphic;
please ignore the unrelated apps that we failed to black out)


Nine pages of Christian apps. And there is certainly other search criteria ("God", "faith," "religion", etc.) that would turn up even more Biblical hits.

So it aint anti-Christian bias that caused the app to be pulled: It's one business' concern about a document that quite undeniably voices hostility for the civil rights of millions of people! It's time to stop passing the buck and start taking responsibility for your own work, Mr. Daly. Mr. Colson, Mr. George, et. al!

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