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Gays' radical drive to be treated like equals forced conservatives to tell us why we're not
This from Jennifer Roback Morse of the NOM-affiliated Ruth Institute:
"We (Maggie [Gallagher], David [Blankehorn], and others more so than me) just about had people convinced that kids needed their dads, and that marriage is a social good. Then same sex marriage errupted [sic] onto the public stage and took up all the air in the room. And incidently [sic], same sex marriage advocates called into question all the arguments and data about the significance of marriage for childern [sic] and society.
We, Maggie, David and I, got dragged into the debate over same sex marriage kicking and screaming. We care about same sex marriage because we believe that redefining marriage as the union of any two persons will harm the institution of marriage, not particularly because of anything same sex couples do or don’t do. In the past, the legal and social institution of marriage has provided structure to people’s lives, helping them to avoid some socially destructive actions and steering them toward socially constructive actions. We think that the legal redefinition and all the social practices that will inevitably follow, will reduce to near nothing the capacity of marriage to structure people’s lives and shape their decision-making."
Pro-Marriage, not anti-gay [Ruth Institute]
The nerve never fails to astound. Because here we have someone who, of her own free will, chose to step in and convince society that gays and their families are supposedly outside of God's plan for life:
And yet Jennifer's suggesting she and Maggie and others were drug into this fight by the uppity, tax-paying, decent gay people who decided that they too deserved an equal shake?! As we said: The nerve is simply astounding!
In reality, the conversation of gay people and how we protect their families in our body of civil law should have had no bearing on Maggie or Jennifer's work in other areas. In a world that's rife with divorce and marriage mockeries that fill the news on daily basis, Jennifer and Maggie and David and [insert self-appointed 'marriage protector'] could've chosen to see more marriages as a good thing (especially when factoring in the common conservative canards about gays' supposed lack of stability). But instead, they made the lifestyle choice to turn gays' marriages into this insane bogeyman that threatens heterosexuals and their children in every way imaginable. They did so for the sake of electability. They did so for the sake of fundraising. They did so for the sake of the conservative movement. They did so for their own career$.
Had these conservatives not obfuscated so, we might be beyond this ridiculous "culture war." But muddy the waters they did and continue to do. The kicks and screams are on them, not us.