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If Dove could bottle rhetorical self-assessment, 'pro-fam' hand washing would triple profits

by Jeremy Hooper

Bob Vander Plaats and his team of anti-equality Iowans dedicate every single day to rolling back civil marriage equality in the state. They are dead set on firing every one of the unanimous panel of Supreme Court justices who did nothing more than support Equal Protection and Due Process under the civil law of our nation. Oh, and then there's that truly eye-opening "Second Hand Effects of Smoking" initiative, in which this same team is working to paint gays as a health hazard on par with cigarettes.

But none of of it is demeaning, mind you. Bob Vander Plaats has the anecdotes to prove it:

*SOURCE: The Family Leader [F'Book]

So. Sick. Of. This! More and more, we're seeing an organized anti-LGBT movement whose proponents seem to think the can say or do or write anything they want about us, just as long as they quickly claim the civility mantle. There is no responsibility. No humility. There are no concessions made in terms of the obvious, inescapable affronts that their actions bring to gay families. No thoughtful consideration of the real-world implications of discrimination. It's all empty rhetoric all the time.

We don't have to take this. These "pro-family" folks have forced upon us more baggage than any human being should have to endure. More political activism than any fair and free American should have to expend. More of an opportunity cost than any adult should have to pay for something as deserved as the ability to live and love in peace. It's going to take much more than speeches in pizza parlors to wash away these injustices.


*RELATED: Bob and his Iowa team also think a cookie or two might help matters: Bob Vander Plaats: 'Okay, so I deny your worth as a fair, free, healthy citizen. Chocolate chip?' [G-A-Y]

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