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Video: 'Shows just how anti-human this whole group of people really [is]'
More from that recent interview that NOM/The Ruth Institute's Jennfier Roback Morse granted to Phyllis Schlafly's radio show. This time, listen in as a caller works hypotheticals about our known world's actuality, while Morse tries her best to make the equality movement sound "anti-human":
[SOURCE: Eagle Forum Radio]
Right. We're totally anti-human, pro-turkey baster. Button on the nose there, J-Ro-Mo.
Or -- or, or or: Maybe we're just pro-the reality of the Earth that we collectively share? The Earth that's more than ably sustained itself or quite some time, even with the presence of gays? The Earth that's filled with folks who aren't geared towards reproduction for any number of reasons? The Earth that we're told was created by an all-knowing God with a perfect plan? That Earth? Maybe we're actually really big fans of ye olde spinning orb and all of its complexities and nuances?
Just an alternative viewpoint for you to consider. Now please, by all means, go back to devising anti-humane ways to cast us out of this shared civil realm.