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We the papal: Rhode Island ring finger edition

by Jeremy Hooper

"We love you."

"We respect you."

"We care for you, and even refer to your sexuality as an orientation."

"Oh, but that being said: The civil recognition of your monogamous union is a heat-sinking missile that will destroy the state and its people, particularly those whose personally-held faith views refuse to separate religious ceremony from civil marriage licensing."

If you're ever tasked with studying the concept of cognitive dissonance, Catholic bishops make for good starting points:

“As the State of Rhode Island enters into a more intense debate about ‘gay marriage,' with all the emotions surrounding that issue, I first want to re-affirm that the Catholic Church has nothing but the utmost respect and care for individuals with homosexual orientation. They are children of God and our brothers and sisters. We seek God's blessings upon them; they deserve the same respect and Pope Tobin Thumbnaillove afforded to others.

At the same time, the push to legalize the marriage of homosexual persons is morally wrong and detrimental to the well-being of our State. I am deeply disappointed that Governor Chafee and leaders of the State House are rushing this legislation without the full consent of the citizens of the State. The proposal to change the traditional definition of marriage and thus alter the fundamental building block of our society is an enormous decision with profound consequences. If the debate is to happen at all, it deserves a full, robust and open discussion. The citizens of our State must have the opportunity to vote on something that is so basic to the social fabric of our community and the well-being of our families, especially our children.

It is particularly disturbing that our new Governor, who has trumpeted his desire to bring our State together in unity, would adopt such a very divisive agenda item as one of his first priorities. His proposal violates the sincere conscience of many of our citizens and inflames passions on both sides of the issue. Additionally, there are many individuals and families throughout the State who continue to suffer the negative effects of persistent unemployment and the dire economic situation in Rhode Island. Our State leaders could better serve all Rhode Islanders by working on initiatives that will create jobs and improve the overall economic health of our State.

The frenetic rush to legalize the marriage of homosexuals will accomplish none of the above.”

-The Most Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, Diocese of Providence

More marriage views from those who refuse to divorce personal theology and the want to sound "nice" from constitutional law and the noisy reality that civil discrimination always produces. Irreconcilable differences.

Oh, and gays' marriages don't provide economic opportunities, Rev. Tobin? Well drop me a line, and I'll give you the names of my and my husband's wedding planner, photographer, florist, videographer, personal shopper, tailor, caterer, rentals provider, shuttle bus driver, and Connecticut venue owner. They'll surely disagree.

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