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Audio: Howard Stern: 'I am very sympathetic to the gay movement, very aware now of what I say about gay people'
(Language possibly NSFW)
I've actually gone back and forth with Lampanelli. She is verifiably on our side, and I 100% think her intent is the whole "equal opportunity offender" thing. But I'm not sure she'll look back on it that way in 20 years. And I'm also not sure the more overt, "f" word-laden language benefits her. In fact, I'd argue that it's weakened her opps.
I think maybe that's why Howard is so sensitive about this now. If you listen to old Stern shows from the '80s (which Sirius sometimes plays), Howard and staff did very crude stuff about gays, complete with the "f" word. Even then, Howard and his show had the "live and let live" attitude, and his schtick was always that of the "equal opp. offender." But with a group so politically marginalized (especially heightened during the AIDS crisis), it's hard to listen and not wonder if Howard could've done more to help. I'm sure he feels this way too.
So no, I don't get angry at Lampanelli, per se. I'm just not sure she's doing anyone any good with the "f" word stuff -- herself, foremost. And I thank Howard Stern for using his unique perspective and platform to go there on this issue.
*FLASHBACK 2009: Howard's touching recount of his gay cousin's wedding