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FRC's Values Voters invitees: Tim Pawlenty, we hardly recognize you

by Jeremy Hooper

In an obvious move to position their conference as the conservative alternative to the current press-grabber that is CPAC, the Family Research Council has announced their invited speakers list for Values Voters Summit 2011. And ya know, FRC might just succeed in seizing some of that ink, considering they're apparently breaking some news about Tim Pawlenty:


Well that explains it: Mr. Pawlenty wants DADT repeal kiboshed because it doesn't yet allow for transgender service. It all makes so much sense now!

Okay, okay -- just kidding. We know the picture is actually of Janet Parshall and that this is just an honest graphic-o. But seriously, how fun and GOP-riling (and overdue) would it be to see an uber-conservative transgender presidential candidate shake up the convention and bust up convictions? Would give a whole new meaning to "T" party, that run!

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