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Hey CBN: Why not ask Peter Sprigg about 'exporting' or criminalizing certain humans?
Another responsibility-shirking piece from a sympathetic outlet:
Ooh, ooh -- our turn: Here's Peter Sprigg saying he'd like to see gays "exported" or criminalized:
*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]
No Peter -- we certainly don't agree with this.
*Oh, and to these points about Sprigg specifically, we could also add these other points about FRC in general:
- FRC prez Tony Perkins routinely says his opposition (including but not limited to gays) is "held captive by the enemy"
- FRC has issued a same-sex marriage pamphlet that compares gay unions to those that might theoretically exist between a man and his horse (complete with a horse's picture on its front page)
- Peter Sprigg on how to handle sexually active gay men: "The CDC spokesman is cited as saying, 'There is no single or simple solution for reducing HIV and syphilis rates among gay and bisexual men.' This is plainly false. There is, for example, a single and simple solution for smoking-related illnesses, and we have all heard it—'If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do smoke, quit.' It’s long past time for public health authorities to say the same about men having sex with men."
- Perkins once said that gay teens try suicide because they know homosexuality is "abnormal."
- Sprigg emphatically stated that the idea of homosexuality being present in infants at birth "has been disproven scientifically."
- FRC's Tom McClusky voiced support for Sen. Jim DeMint's belief that gay teachers should be fired.
- Perkins said those who criticized or even simply questioned a bakery for refusing to make rainbow cupcakes are engaging in "economic terrorism."
- FRC has given multiple platforms to the beyond-incendiary Bryan Fischer. Most prominently, at this past September's Values Voters Summit.
- FRC uses grim reaper photos to illustrate what non-discrimination will supposedly do to America.
-Perkins quite literally paints the national gay rights conversation as a battle of "good versus evil" (we think you can guess the role in which he casts us).
etc. etc.