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'How to activi-preach on marriage', with Peter Sprigg
As a Family Research Council V.P., Peter Sprigg spends his days going on television to talk about why gays would be better off being exported from the U.S....
*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]
...or perhaps thrown in jail:
But as Reverend Sprigg, Peter sometimes gets in the business of drawing up sermon outlines on behalf of his parent organization. Outlines that America's pastors can then use to tell congregants why they should "support, volunteer for, donate to, and vote for candidates for public office at all levels who pledge to limit marriage and its benefits to unions of one man and one woman" and "actively oppose and vote against candidates who refuse to defend the definition and institution of marriage." Church/state-marrying outlines that FRC then posts to its website, with an encouraging push for pastors "to use in the pulpit on a Sunday in February."
Here's Peter's "Sermon Starter" contribution, in full:
One Flesh - Peter Sprigg
If you give Peter an hour to talk on this issue, he'll tell you at least ten times that gays are out to attack the church, religious freedom, and Christian people in general. Well, I don't know about you, but this past Sunday, my husband and I took our dog to Central Park and then made homemade bagels. We didn't spend the morning politicizing in ways that made "Meet The Press" envious. And we certainly didn't spend time throwing those aforementioned (and uber yummy) bagels at married heterosexuals as they left St. Patricks' Cathedral, in hopes of knocking their gold bands off their fingers. We just wish we felt the same sense of respect from our nation's religious right.
Or if not respect for us, at least respect for our shared civil law.
**Bonus: In this other FRC "Sermon Starter," Prop 8's most prominent preacher, Jim Garlow, tells congregants that they must "protect marriage" so as to stop an obsessive Satan from "decimat[ing] the picture of Gods design for the Cosmos":