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IA Republicans introduce 'The Courts Are But A Suggestion Act of 2011'

by Jeremy Hooper

ia-flagIowa conservatives Republicans are literally willing to uproot the separation of powers and responsible rule of law in order to hurt gay families. This from Jason Clayworth:

County recorders would be prohibited from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples and the Iowa Supreme Court would be unable to rule on the issue under a new bill sponsored by six conservative House Republicans.

House File 330 specifically says that the Supreme Court shall not be able to prohibit or restrict the law if the bill were passed.

Review of laws by the Supreme Court is one of the fundamental pieces of Iowa’s checks and balances system.

However, there is a provision in the Iowa Constitution (Article 5, Section 4) that allows lawmakers the ability to make laws that skip Supreme Court review, noted Drake Law Professor Ian Bartrum.

“It’s technically probably constitutional but it’s a pretty rare and radical step and probably an ill-advised one,” said Bartrum. “I think this is a knee-jerk reaction. They say, we have this power and they don’t think about what this means to the outcome on the ground.”

FULL: Prohibit Supreme Court from ruling on marriage, Republicans say [Des Moines Register blog]

We would say they'll stop at nothing. Except marriage equality proved its nothingness of a threat long ago, and yet these folks are still out guns'a'blazin', freedom and fairness be damned. It's pretty clear that flying pigs on the 12th of Never are the only things that might get these "pro-familiy" folks to leave us alone.

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