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And now this: Sen. Feinstein announces #DOMA repeal plans
Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) issued a statement today following Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision on lawsuits challenging the “Defense of Marriage Act.” The law defines marriage forfederal purposes as only between a man and a woman, denying federal benefits to legally married same-sex couples.
Following is Senator Feinstein’s statement:
“As a Member of the Judiciary Committee, it is my intention to introduce legislation that will once and for all repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.
My own belief is that when two people love each other and enter the contract of marriage, the Federal government should honor that.
I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It was the wrong law then; it is the wrong law now; and it should be repealed.”
Senator Feinstein Statement on DOMA [Sen. Feinstein]
Okay, someone fess up: Who put Fierce Advocacy Kool-Aid in the DNC's water supply?
*EARLIER: CONFIRMED Report: Obama admin will no longer defend #DOMA (Sec. 3)! [G-A-Y]
*UPDATE: Gillibrand's in: