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State of Cheyenne, Jackson gives Cheyenne Jackson another reason to live elsewhere

by Jeremy Hooper

Oh look, this happened:

CHEYENNE-The Wyoming Senate narrowly voted Friday to stop recognition of same-sex marriages and civil unions from outside the state.
Wyoming Senate passes anti-gay marriage bill [Star-Trib]

The House already passed a similar bill, but now must (and inevitably will) approve minor changes. Republican Gov. Matt Mead will most definitely sign. "Protect marriage" canards protected for another day

Though we imagine the state will still gladly take any out-of-state tourism dollars LGBT people might want to pour into the state. So if you're legally married elsewhere, be sure to buy the "My citizenship went to Wyoming and all I got was this lack of comity" tee shirt. Cost: Around $20 monetarily; priceless in terms of dignity. *Available in multiple sizes, colors, and states.


*Wow, on second thought: The Wyoming House adjourned without taking action: WYOMING: Marriage Ban Dies In House [J.M.G.]

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