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Video: MD Senator can't wait for state to waste millions on unconstitutional vote

by Jeremy Hooper

The bill hasn't even passed the Senate (tonight, hopefully). But in Maryland, some Republican lawmakers are already fetishizing the potential Prop 8-like referendum that might greet the Old Line State:

"You know in the Senate Finance Committee...when a sponsor of a bill comes in and says 'California did it, California's the only other state', we all look at each other 'cause usually that's an automatically kill, you know, we're like 'if California did it, we're gonna kill it -- we don't want to do it.' But in this instance, I would urge the Senate and the people of Maryland to follow California and when this becomes a referendum issue that we vote it down and send a message to the rest of the state that this is where we want to stand on this 'redefinition.'" -MD Sen. Barry Glassman

Hmm, Senator. Perhaps looking to Judge Walker's ruling might also be of interest? Maybe? Ya think? Could be?

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