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Warren piece: 'Ex-gay' book books current-Kay

by Jeremy Hooper

Over the past two years or so, Christopher Yuan has become a more and more prominent face within the "ex-gay" advocacy movement:

And now Christopher and his mom Angela have put that "change" activism into a forthcoming book, titled Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son's Journey to God, a Broken Mother's Search for Hope:

Okay, so right. An "ex-gay" advocate wrote a book. Not the first time and not the last. If there's a market, there will be a publisher. Whatever.

But our interest was raised on this particular project when our pal Matt Baume tipped us to the prominent name attached to the book's forward:


Kay Warren: As in co founder, along with husband Rick Warren, of the mega-influential Saddleback Church. Rick Warren, as in, the man you might remember from President Barack Obama's inauguration.

We have nothing to profound say about this, really. Kay Warren has every right to lend her name and church credence to whatever book or cause she wishes, regardless of how scientifically-discredited said cause may be.

We just hope next time the Warrens are asked to head some sort of prominent public event and the pro-gay community inevitably (and understandably) paints the choice as less-than-progressive, Kay Warren will have the fortitude to stand by the kind of work that her family is quite literally "forward"ing

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