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Audio: Jennifer Roback Morse gives good quote

by Jeremy Hooper

Let's do an old fashioned quote roundup, can we?

First let's go childish: Some chatter about J-Ro-Mo's parents at the National Organization For Marriage, Brian and Maggie, and their lack of fingers:

Now let's move on to J-Ro-Mo having an awakening during Prop 8, since she'd previously thought "Mexicans are all busboys and gardeners or whatever":

Then there's the one where she reveals how dismissively she views the court wherein the Prop 8 conversation now resides, writing off the 9th Circuit as "the land of the crazies":

Here's the part where she dismisses those pesky career women and their mature wombs, in favor of those "cadres" of homeschool parents who will breed social conservatism into prevalence:

A longer one, this time knocking all of those straight soldiers who are going to enter "opportunistic same-sex unions" now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is on its way out:

Oh, and here's some strategery, wherein straight woman Morse tells other (presumably) straight people to speak to the complexities of sexual orientation as a way of turning the tables on gay activists:

Before it all returns to those fingers and their desires:

Or whatever.

*Full audio: Dr J speaks @ National Republican Women's lunch [Ruth Institute]

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