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But you are, David. You are obsessed.

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-03-16 At 9.16.22 AmAlliance Defense Fund Senior Counsel David French wrote an article entitled "Are Christians 'Obsessed with Gays and Abortion?'" An article that's gone all over the conservative mediasphere, from the National Organization for Marriage to National Review Online to the Ruth Institute to the Christian Post. When it comes to the onus of denying one's own obsessions, the article has become something of a mini rally cry.

But here's the thing: Since Thanksgiving, Mr. French has written ten posts for the ADF's Speak Up blog. Out of those ten, nine are explicitly focused on either abortion or gays (with one, focused on church/state separation, tangentially related).

Or this: On the ADF's website, a search for "abortion" turns up seven pages of results. "Homosexual" also brings seven pages of returns. The right's less favored term, "gay," still brings six pages of search results. But "divorce" only brings two. "Homeless" gives us only one page. Poverty none. And even "adoption," with its many results focused on LGBT couples, still only elicits four pages of returns (several less than" homosexuality" or "abortion").

Or this: On the ADF's website, look what they say is the principal threat to religious freedom:

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Not even a threat, which would be offensive enough. But the principal threat. Before all else.

So are Christians obsessed with abortion and homosexuality? Writ large, probably not. But is the ADF, of which Mr. French is one of the most prominent components, specifically preoccupied? Absolutely, without a doubt! Perhaps not obsessed with gays so much as they are with latching on the wave of discrimination that's fa$hionable for this generation. Obsessed with turning certain people's lives into an issue. Obsessed with keeping contrived "culture wars" alive. Obsessed with fundraising around fear-mongered presentations of gay life. Obsessed with stopping even the most minor of steps forward for LGBT people. Obsessed with making us gay folk pause our lives to give a damn about whether, why, and how these folks are binocularing our bedrooms.

Do social conservatives like French and NOM and whoever else wish they weren't prominently and firmly sitting in discrimination's uncomfortable chair? Perhaps. To that we say:

Stop denying reality -- change it!

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