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CO civil unions bill unnecessary, Focus on the Family's predetermined agenda finds
One has to laugh when a group like Focus on the Family issues findings like these:
Because let's get real: By "analysis," they mean "meticulous consultation of the same preconceived script from when Focus on the Family always operates." This organization has never shown even an ounce of willingness to consider something like civil unions. Hell, this is an organization that still puts "ex-gay" therapy front and center. For them, a compromise wouldn't be civil unions -- it'd be letting a gay person "change" yet still watch "Modern Family" on occasion.
Oh, and as for their "justification" of this stance, which they base around the state's current domestic partnership and designated beneficiaries program patchwork? Right, well let's just take an eensy sec and consider what Focus on the Family Action (CitizenLink's old name) said about the ultimately successful notion of advancing benefits back when such was up for legislative debate:
"Coloradans can’t afford this social experiment."
[Right Wing Watch]
All the more reason for the Colorado legislature to pass civil unions. Because if not, then to what logical next step will FotF take their "but we don't need it" justifications when full marriage equality eventually hits the Rocky Mountain landscape?