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It's almost like the Catholic leaders don't listen to us or something

by Jeremy Hooper

While Governor Chafee, the state legislature, and fair-minded Rhode Islanders continue to talk about C.I.V.I.L marriage equality, this is how some local Catholic Churches (i.e. those who make up NOM Rhode Island's base) are taking on the debate:

PROVIDENCE – Worshippers attending a holy hour held last Thursday at St. Patrick Church prayed before the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue that those who are seeking to redefine marriage would have a change of heart as the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony on a bill that would change marriage in Rhode Island.

Participants from throughout the diocese recited the rosary in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and attended Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, as they prayed for the continued protection of the Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Life, patroness of the diocesan Human Life Guild.
“I think it’s important to stand up for the sanctity of marriage and as in all things, we always have to start with prayer,” said Julie Lamin, a member of St. Paul Church, Cranston.
In welcoming those gathered, Father James T. Ruggieri, pastor of St. Patrick Church, asked the worshippers to pray that the hearts and minds of legislators be open to the truth and God’s law.
Before Blessed Mother, prayers for marriage [RI Catholic]

The irony, sure to be lost on the most dedicated? That to stop this bill, they went to one place that will in no way be affected by civil marriage equality: the church sanctuary. After the bill passes (and it will pass, if not now, then someday), this church will have the exact same right to restrict the marital ceremony in the way they do now. These faithful congregants will have just as much right to pray for gay people's souls as they do now. They will be completely unchanged, except for the fact that they can dedicate more "holy hours" to ACTUAL social issues.

But in the meantime, we gay folk watch as our C.I.V.I.L. equality is hung up behind claims of "God's law." Aint it lovely?

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