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Judge Moore en route to Iowa; 'Judge more' the likely rally cry

by Jeremy Hooper

Judge Roy Moore is known for declaring, in a state high court opinion, his personal belief that homosexuality is "abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature and a violation of the laws of nature and of nature's God" and an "inherent evil against which children must be protected.'' So naturally the folks at the Iowa Family Leader, who are trying to put Iowa gays' civil rights before a majority vote in a so-called "Luv Iowa" campaign, have recruited this same Judge Moore to speak to/for their cause:

[Source: Iowa Family Leader email, 3/9/11]

Fair enough. We just hope Roy has the fortitude to speak his true feelings rather than the workshopped "protect marriage" canards, the Iowa Family Leader has the grit to admit how much beyond fair and free constitutional law this cause truly goes, and Iowans of all sorts of political stripes and religious beliefs have the strength to see beyond this faith-based "LUV."


*Remember: This Luv Iowa/Iowa Family Leader/ Iowa Family Policy Council coalition is the same crew that was responsible for a "second hand effects of homosexuality" program, which attempted to paint homosexuality as public health hazard. Also the same Iowa crew that is currently playing host to a number of prominent Republican presidential hopefuls.

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