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Maryland's considerable MassResistance factor

by Jeremy Hooper

One big, unreported secret out of Maryland is how much influence the far-right, uber-fringe, bathroom-stalking group MassResistance is having on that state's marriage debate. Anecdotally: This writer heard all kinds of MassResistance talking points debated on the House floor. Claims about all of the horribles that are supposedly taught in Massachusetts schools. Claims about the supposed retribution that befell the Bay State's religious communities upon marriage equality's realization. Etc, etc.

More concretely: MR is proudly touting the work they are doing:

We are continuing to work with activists from ProtectMarriageMaryland. They are a dedicated group, a role model for the rest of us. We've tried our best to help them from our experience here.
We'd like to add that the Maryland state Republican Party has really stepped up to the plate on this.
MassResistance on front lines of "gay marriage" fight in Maryland [MR]

We believe them. Again, there have been so many Massachusetts mentions, it's only logical to believe that Brian Camenker and company have gotten through.

But now comes an even more concrete connection, this time in terms of media outreach. 680 WCBM AM is Baltimore's big time conservative radio station. The home of Rush, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and the like. WCBM is the place where conservatives go to rally like minds, and its "Sean and Frank" morning show is home to many of its prominent, local interviews. Recent guests include US Congresswoman Bachmann, MD Del. Don Dwyer, and former Ambassador John Bolton. And in the past couple of days: Both NOM's Maggie Gallagher and MR's Brian Camenker:

Screen Shot 2011-03-10 At 9.13.03 Am


Brian (*be sure to stick around for the end, where Brian and hosts talk about why legislators can't be nice or moderate or polite, followed by the hosts' vow to let lawmakers know about MR's work):

[*Audio Source: Sean and Frank -- WCBM]

We're confident the great state of Maryland can handle this conversation on its own. Though considering how peacefully Massachusetts has folded marriage equality into its fabric and how much unwitting benefit MassResistance's work has brought to our side, perhaps we should be welcoming Brian with open arms.

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