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Oh, NOM, it's not like we financed a name-calling billboard or anything. That would be you.
Since the National Organization For Marriage is once again slighting members of the pro-equality commentariat for accurately noting the way certain Maryland lawmakers sold out their principles for their own perceived ease...
Shocked Reaction of Pro-SSM Advocates to MD Defeat: The Name Calling Begins [NOM Blog]
...we thought we'd take a second and do something we like to do from time to time: Remind everyone of the very first targeted campaign from whence the nascent National Organization For Marriage launched its own national profile:
Yep, that's correct: Four years ago, NOM launched a jaw-droppingly hostile billboard attack comparing a Massachusetts state lawmaker to Judas Iscariot and Benedict Arnold. Not a blog post. Not an Op-Ed. Not even a fundraising blast. A BILLBOARD! Simply because the legislator voted against putting the state's marriage equality before a public vote. A billboard with which Mr. Puppollo's friends, neighbors, loved ones, and any one else who drove under it were suddenly confronted. A billboard fully bankrolled by NOM's startup donor rolls.
So Maggie, Brian: You all are shocked -- SHOCKED! -- that shunned gays are upset over their declared friends and allies choosing to bow down to anti-LGBT pressure rather than doing what is right, fair, economically sensible, and a boon to the peaceful greater good? Right, well: We'll see your feigned outrage and raise you this nasty piece of roadside artwork!