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Right, FRC. And snake oil is nothing more than a canola substitute

by Jeremy Hooper

The Family Research Council's latest spin on the Exodus International app: That it was nothing more than a "Bible-based" program:

Screen Shot 2011-03-30 At 8.04.16 Am
*At link, some related audio: FRC Daily Radio Commentary [FRC]

Because you all remember that part of the Bible about pushing forth therapy that contradicts the entire body of credible science and research on the subject. Right? If not, it's probably you because you haven't read the King James (Dobson) version.

We'll have to wait and see the skewed way FRC reacts to other Apple corporate decisions. Though we hear they're fundamentally suspicious of the company's choice to slowly turn all of their devices towards touch screen, seeing it as a way for the tech giant to save energy for the purpose of pushing evangelical Christians' buttons instead.


*Reminder: When we checked the iTunes store two months ago, we found a whopping NINE PAGES of truly Bible-based apps. But of course why would FRC see a need to mention that?

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