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Scientist rejects Exodus app; pigeons yet to acknowledge Angry Birds
When it comes to the "ex-gay" community, a scientist rejecting the way his or her work is represented is old hat at this point. So like most of life's commonalities, there's now an app for that:
University of Minnesota researcher Dr. Gary Ramafedi wrote a letter today asking Apple founder Steve Jobs and interim CEO Tim Cook to remove a controversial “ex-gay” app from its online store. The scientist claimed that Exodus International distorted his work in an effort to misrepresent homosexuality and confuse the app’s users.
Breaking News: Scientist Calls On Apple to Remove ‘Ex-Gay’ app That Distorts His Research [TWO]
Exodus? Distort? NO! Not my Exodus!
Next you'll tell me all the people in my Facebook app aren't actual real life friends!
*SEE ALSO: change.org's petition: Demand that Apple remove "ex-gay" iPhone app