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Teaching new directions: Mr. Schue sings Kurt's praises

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-03-23 At 10.46.31 AmMatthew Morrison in Out:

On his "Glee" character Mr. Schuester being an important part of the conversation about LGBT visibility on TV:

"He’s very supportive. He has such a love for Kurt and is instrumental in getting him to be who he is. I’m so proud of our show for that relationship. The episode about the birds and the bees really got to me. I never thought about how different the conversation is between a father and a gay son or daughter. That was so beautifully done. That moment in television could change lives. A lot of the storyline is what Ryan Murphy wanted as a kid. He writes through Kurt. I’m so proud of it."
Catching Up With Matthew Morrison [Out]

Or in some cases, the conversation's more like "be a straight bird or bee out of my house." So yes, there's still a lot of difference in the way gay teens are addressed in our culture. Good on Matthew Morrison to use his position to close some gaps (the holes, not the store where the Warblers burst out in song while shoppers acted like doing so was one of the most natural things in the world).

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