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TFP says we offend and banish God. But yea, NOM -- it surely is this one counterprotestor who's the meanie
When TFP (American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property) launched its current marriage focus, spokesperson John Richie called civil marriage equality "morally wrong, sinful, offensive to God and a violation of natural law and "a flat denial of reality." He then claimed equality activists were seeking to "banish God and His law from the public square."
The organization also produces a pamphlet called "10 Reasons Why Homosexual 'Marriage' is Harmful and Must be Opposed," which flat-out goes after gay existences themselves, encouraging gays to "change" so as not to "offend God" or "violate natural law."
TFP also produces videos like this one (posted under the name "catholicmilitant"), where supporters compare homosexuality to drug addiction:
Or for more insight into the group's views, just check out the "politically incorrect" section of the group's website where they post truly nasty pieces like this:
Obvious conclusion: TFP is not a "protect marriage" campaign -- it's anti-gayness at its most heated.
Okay, so why the lesson on this one Catholic group? Oh, because they are just the latest outfit the National Organization for Marriage is trying to position as the victims in the current civil rights debate over marriage. NOM has posted the following, focusing only on the shout outs from one counterprotester, not this eye-opening TFP group's sidewalk advocacy itself :
Because that's the way it is with NOM circa 2011. Every gay person is wrong and mean and militant and responsible for any one counterprotestor's reaction, but every religious group is pure and lovely and holy as long as they carry some sort of "1 man & 1 woman" signage. High-minded constitutional debate be damned. True religious freedom (which includes civil nondiscrimination free from religion) be dismissed.
Which is fine. We just hope NOM will be just as eager to embrace this group when the next ballot campaign rolls around. Personally, we think a "gays will corrupt kids into thinking they're attracted to frogs" ad might be quite effective :
Effective for us, that is.