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Video: Broken record otherwise booked, Maggie Gallagher takes #MARRYland TV slot

by Jeremy Hooper

- The purposely strategic, deliberately divisive idea that "the black churchâ„¢" has risen up in fierce opposition

- A one billionth repeating of her "two great halves of humanity" claim

- Reference to NOM's obviously skewed 54%-37% marriage poll

- Impertinent disregard for the strong, informed opinions of younger folks who've grown up knowing gays, lesbians, bisexual, and transgender people as humans.

- Lots of rhetoric following questions like "Has same-sex marriage hurt the institution of marriage?" when "NO!" is the easy, factual answer.

Just another stop on Maggie's Maryland marriage tour:


*And also: Maggie struggles to answer a question about teaching same-sex marriage in school, with her largest reference (the David Parker matter) referring to an optional take home book bag, not a class lesson:


A public school reality, by the way, that is not in ANY WAY dependent on marriage equality, but rather on LGBT people's existences in general. And Maggie knows this.


*REMINDER: How Maggie chooses to "respect [her] gay friends and neighbors": With claims like: (1) Gays and even their supporters are "committing several kinds of very serious sins"; (2) Gays "can always control" "behavior," which Maggie admits she finds "unfortunate":

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