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Video: Lawrence looks at rosary, wholly
As the almost exclusively Catholic National Organization For Marriage leadership continues to partner with state and national Catholic leaders on the issue of CIVIL marriage equality, there is one thing they always overlook: The fact -- THE FACT -- that lay Catholics are actually largely supportive on key LGBT issues, including but not limited to relationship recognition. Certainly more supportive than other religious communities.
Kudos to Lawrence O'Donnell for highlighting this uber important point:
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That groups like NOM overlook these key points is not only offensive to the LGBT population -- it's offensive to the Catholic flock. And I know from firsthand experience in states like Maine that it causes deep divisions, provoking both anger and sadness within supportive Catholic populations. So while the "protect marriage" crew may get great mileage (and financing) out of partnerships with the USCCB and various ArchBishops, we're gonna ask to what end they're really willing to take this "culture war" confessing? And whose religious freedom is really being undermined here?
*SEE ALSO: Catholics for Equality to U.S. Bishops: "Pro-Equality American Catholics Know What We See!" [Catholics For Equality]