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Video: What they're saying about us at Cardinal Ritter High School: Part 2

by Jeremy Hooper

Since we first covered Fr. John Hollowell's misinformative Catholic school class on same-sex marriage, the videos have gone completely viral. So that being the case, we thought we'd bring you another clip from the same instructor indoctrinating the same student population into believing that out, sexually active gays are unnatural, unequal, and generally unfit for contributive society.

There were a couple of vids to choose from, but this one stood out above others. Some things to listen out for:

  • (First three minutes): Explaining what the church means by "disordered" gays, which is summed up as "shooting an arrow in the wrong direction...."headed towards something that is not good."
  • (4:00-10:30): Completely reductive conversation about genetics, from someone who admits (@6:57) "I'm not a biologist, I'm not exactly sure."
  • (4:40): A partisan knock at NPR
  • (9:40): Likening same-sex attractions to a person's affection for unhealthy food.
  • (15:37): Homosexuality likened to attractions to chocolate, adultery, and sleeping in and watching movies all day
  • (16:49): This instruction for gays: "longterm you can change -- you can work at -- your attractions."
  • (17:08 - 18:28): Bizarre chatter about ninth grade boys' attraction to masturbating, and Fr. Hollowell's own ability to overcome the subject.
  • (18:45) video clip saying "the gay agenda" wants people to "make up their own morality," but that Catholic celibacy will allow those who "struggle with same-sex attractions" to "lead a pure life with the grace of God."
  • (22:59): When a student raises a question about NAMBLA, this is the response: "Well that was in one of the Bible quotes that we looked at, boy prostitutes, they go to hel... -- that's an abomination. So that's basically where it fits in."


[Fr. Hollowell's YT Channel]

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