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Audio: Jennifer Roback Morse's fairy tale theatre casts gays in 'suffering' role

by Jeremy Hooper

So here we have it: Yet another National Organization For Marriage official admitting he or she sees homosexuality as something one "suffers" with/from/through.

This latest one comes courtesy of Jennifer Roback Morse, head of NOM's affiliate Ruth Institute. In a recent speech that NOM itself touted on its organizational blog, Morse regaled Wheaton College students with a fanciful hypothetical about a fictional Vaughn Walker High School (no, we're not kidding), an institution she suggests the militant gays stole from the Catholics as they went 201104221602-1about their plan of leading all complacent Christians to the "last remnant of what was once a great civilization." Morse then follows up this imaginative (and deeply offensive) tale with a rally cry for the Christian students in her midst, all about how they are supposedly "on the right side of history" and how they can stop this societal corruption from happening if they just "keep the faith." And that's when she does it: When she goes off message and says, as plain as day, that she thinks gays "suffer from" and "struggle with" same-sex attraction." Have a listen:

*AUDIO SOURCE: Same-Sex Marriage Affects Everyone [NOM's Ruth Institute]

But of course it's all okay, because Jen gave lip service to showing dignity towards those who "suffer"/"struggle"/want to "take marriage apart." Because isn't that how it works in the "pro-family" world: One can denigrate a rich and vibrant population sect to the point where their love and legal recognition thereof has the suggested power to destroy coliseums and their surrounding cities, just as long as that same religious-motivated figure inserts some sort of self-serving anecdote about not being mean?

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