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Fischer to Trump: But will you go full-on me?
Oh please, please, please let Donald Trump sit down and answer Bryan Fischer's questions:
He now says he’s opposed to gay marriage. Fine. President Obama said exactly the same thing on the campaign trail, and we all see how that turned out.
So I’ve got some questions for Trump on the issue of gay marriage and the homosexual agenda. Does he believe the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is constitutional? Does he believe President Obama violated his oath of office by refusing to defend this law in court? Does he support a federal marriage amendment that would define marriage as a one-man, one-woman institution and prohibit marriage counterfeits like civil unions and domestic partnerships? Would he reverse President Obama’s decision to grant certain spousal benefits to the sexual partners of homosexuals, contrary to DOMA? Would he support reinstatement of the ban on open homosexual service in the military? Would he veto the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) if it came to his desk? Would he sign a repeal of the Hate Crimes act, which will criminalize speech that is critical of homosexual behavior?
Donald Trump is not the guy [AFA]
We'd like to know too! The way this latest version of Trump's been handling himself, he's likely to give affirmatives to every one of the suddenly-GOPowerful Fischer's last queries. And if/when he does, everyone -- the conservatives, the moderates, the reality TV personalities (more than one, you betcha) --will be forced to go there too. We want this. We want America to hear and debate what we hear and challenge every day.
But of course the more appropriate question for the nothing-if-not-money-driven New York builder: Do you ever again plan on developing in Chelsea?