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G-A-Y Exclusive: Delaware's organized civil unions opposition promotes 'ex-gay' therapy, NARTH
As the Delaware Family Council (a Focus on the Family affiliate) works to stop the state's civil unions bill, you're going to hear that organization, its faith-based allies at the Alliance Defense Fund, and its executive director, Nicole Theis, use all kinds of benign language about "protecting marriage" and whatnot:
"The ultimate goal is same-sex marriage," said Nicole Theis, executive director of the Delaware Family Policy Council. "... Marriage is about bringing male and female together, and that is good."
Del. Senate approves same-sex unions [AP via Westport News]
To see what the DFPC's overarching fight is really all about, one must look to the group's organizational Facebook page, a place where scientifically-discredited "ex-gay" advocacy (i.e. the idea that gays can and should change more than just their ring fingers) comes home to roost:
*Note1: Some of the comments are from a Jordan (presumably DFPC's Jordan Warfel) and others
are from Exec. Dir. Nicole Theis. All have an "ex-gay" advocacy attached.
*Note 2: We haven't edited out any of the in-between comments.
The group has deleted dissenting voices, per their own admission.