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G-A-Y Exclusive: Delaware's organized civil unions opposition promotes 'ex-gay' therapy, NARTH

by Jeremy Hooper

As the Delaware Family Council (a Focus on the Family affiliate) works to stop the state's civil unions bill, you're going to hear that organization, its faith-based allies at the Alliance Defense Fund, and its executive director, Nicole Theis, use all kinds of benign language about "protecting marriage" and whatnot:

"The ultimate goal is same-sex marriage," said Nicole Theis, executive director of the Delaware Family Policy Council. "... Marriage is about bringing male and female together, and that is good."
Del. Senate approves same-sex unions [AP via Westport News]


To see what the DFPC's overarching fight is really all about, one must look to the group's organizational Facebook page, a place where scientifically-discredited "ex-gay" advocacy (i.e. the idea that gays can and should change more than just their ring fingers) comes home to roost:

*Note1: Some of the comments are from a Jordan (presumably DFPC's Jordan Warfel) and others
are from Exec. Dir. Nicole Theis. All have an "ex-gay" advocacy attached.

*Note 2: We haven't edited out any of the in-between comments.
The group has deleted dissenting voices,
per their own admission.

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