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Hey Ruth Institute: We can walk, chew gum, and still call you discriminatory at the same time

by Jeremy Hooper

Ari, a blogger for NOM affiliate The Ruth Institute, has posted this, the ridiculous idea that gays shouldn't care about civil rights hijackers at home since there are more extreme threats on the planet:

Dear gay activists,

Please keep worrying about the Ruth Institute and the National Organization for Marriage and
pay no attention to this:

DAILY MAIL: Other targets of the ‘Talibanesque thugs’, being investigated by police in the Tower Hamlets area of London, include homosexuals.

Stickers have been plastered on public walls stating: ‘Gay free zone. Verily Allah is severe in punishment’.


Muslim extremists.

Stay tuned for future blogs, wherein Ari will pretend like gays can either wake up or fall asleep, but not both within the same 24 hours.

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